Icelandic Gourmet Feast

Seven amazing courses
Icelandic menu

Starts við a shot of the infamous Icelandic spirit “Brennivín”

Smoked puffin with blueberry “brennivín” sauce

Icelandic Arctic Char with candy-beets salad, asparagus and elderflower-hollandaise sauce

Lobster Tails baked in garlic with grilled bread

Pan-fried line caught Blue ling with lobster sauce, truffle mashed potatoes, asparagus and dill-oil

Icelandic Lamb tenderloin with beer-butterscotch sauce, cauliflower purée and spanish salsify

Minke whale with sweet mashed potatoes and malt sauce

And we end the Gourmet Feast with a delicious dessert

White chocolate “skyr” mousse with passion coulis and passion sorbet

12.900 kr.

Our products are locally sourced and of the highest quality Iceland has to offer

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